-- Previous Directory --
001-2020 Confirm Proceedings
002-2020 2020 Operating Budget
003-2020 2020 Water and Wastewater Budget
004-2020 2020 Solid Waste Budget
005-2020 Fit for Work Policy HR-2-8
006-2020 HR-2-17 Health and Wellness Discount Policy
007-2020 CC-2-3 Council Parental Maternity Leave Policy
008-2020 Agreement of Purchase Sale Eikre Holdings 117 Main St S
010-2020 Fire Marque Set Fees for Fire
011-2020 Budget Amendment - 2019 Storm Sewer Reserves
012-2020 Traffic Amendment - Accessible Parking - 2nd St S 5th Ave S
013-2020 Budget Amendment - Fitness Centre Expansion
014-2020 Hing Lease Renewal
015-2020 No Smoking City Facilities
017-2020 ZBA D14-19-11 874-876 River Dr
018-2020 D14-19-13 ZBA 1103 4th St S
019-2020 Deputy Division Registrar - Shalene Haney
020-2020 Chambers-Granger - 122 Sedesky Rd Water-Sewer Connection
023-2020 Confirm Proceedings
024-2020 HS-06 Health and Safety Responsibilities - Visitors
025-2020 HS-10 Incident Reporting and Investigating Policy
026-2020 HS-11 Hazards Reporting Policy
027-2020 HS-16 Hot Work Policy
028-2020 HR-2-06 Technology Usage Policy
029-2020 HR-2-21 Emergency Hours of Work Policy
030-2020 Employment Classification Policy
031-2020 Solid Waste Budget Amendment
032-2020 Budget Amendment - City Hall Renovations
033-2020 Budget Amendment - Kenora SportsPlex Mezzanine Project
034-2020 Assumption part of M-35 Spence Street
035-2020 DS-8-1 Building Officials Code of Conduct Policy
036-2020 Open Worona Rd as Public Hwy
037-2020 Planning Act Application Fees
039-2020 NOHFC Funding Agreement - Kenora SportsPlex Mezzanine
040-2020 Permanently Close Declare Surplus Authorize Sale - 4th St N
041-2020 Ayrie Developments (Kenora) Inc Site Plan Agreement
042-2020 Funding Agreement Min of Agriculture Food Rural Affairs - Harbourtown Centre Beautification
043-2020 Procedural
044-2020 Confirmatory
045-2020 Tax Ratios
046-2020 Tax Rates
047-2020 Authorizing Prudent Investor Group
048-2020 Budget Amendment - Kenora Airport Authority Runway
049-2020 Transfer Agreement to KDSB from KMNPHC
050-2020 Budget Amendmendment - OMNI Replacement
051-2020 Traffic Amendment Yield Sign - South Park Silverstone Dr
052-2020 Budget Amendment -Art Centre
053-2020 Budget Amendment - Keewatin Arena Hand Rail Accessibillity
056-2020 Deeming KDSB Sale of Lands - 4th Ave N
057-2020 Ministry of Agriculture Food Rural Affairs Funding Agreement Park St Work
058-2020 Ministry Energy, Northern Development Mines - NWBC Core Funding
059-2020 Ministry Economic Development Job Creation Trade - NWBC Starter and Summer Company
060-2020 Budget Amendment - Park Railway St Project Gas Tax Dollars
061-2020 Confirmatory
062-2020 BIZ Levy
063-2020 Budget Amendment-Kenora Fire Hall Roof Repairs
064-2020 Budget Amendment-Urban St Hwy Line Painting 2020
065-2020 Lease Agreement - Environment Climate Change Banning Centre
066-2020 Tbaytel Lease Keewatin Ball field
067-2020 Lease Renewall - Acadia Broadcasting 895 Mix FM-Bylaw
069-2020 Budget Amendment-KRC Fire Supression System
070-2020 Budget Amendment - Library Accessible Entrance
071-2020 Budget Amendment - Operations Centre Soundproofing
072-2020 Budget Amendment - Growth Management Vacant Land Supply
074-2020 Ministry of Transportation Dedicated Gas Tax Funding
075-2020 FedNor Funding Agreement Amendment - Library Digital Creator Program
076-2020 Agreement Employment Social Svcs EAF - Norman Park
077-2020 FedNor Funding Agreement - DTR Phase IV
078-2020 Lease Agreement - LOWDH KDSB Keewatin Arena
079-2020 Agreement Ministry Municipal Affairs Housing Municipal Modernization Funding bylaw
080-2020 Agreement with NOHFC Growth Management Vacant Land Supply Analysis
081-2020 Agreement with Titan Contractors Municipal Paving
082-2020 Moncrief Agreement - Park St Railway St Rehabilitation Works
083-2020 HR-3-08 Policy - Employment Classification
084-2020 Confirmatory
085-2020 Budget Amendment - Capital Budget Software
086-2020 Budget Amendment-Recycle Trailer
087-2020 Cemetery Rates and Fees
088-2020 Muse
089-2020 Doug Lafreneiere Developments Inc. Site Plan Agreement
090-2020 Appoint Summer Student Bylaw Officers
091-2020 Repeal CAO Appointment
092-2020 Repeal Policy HR-3-7
093-2020 Agreement with Lynxfield Canada GPS services
094-2020 Agreement Optimus SBR Service Delivery review
095-2020 Agreeement with Urban Forest Innovations Inc
096-2020 Confirmatory
097-2020 Founding Municipality Prudent Investor Enabling By-law
098-2020 Budget Amendment Bylaw Enforcement Vehicle
099-2020 WON Water and Sewer Services Agreement
100-2020 Lease Lake Navigation (Kenora) Ltd bylaw
101-2020 DS-6-2 Outdoor Patio Policy
103-2020 Agreement Ministry of Labour Training Skills Dev - Labour Action Centre
104-2020 Repeal of City Planner Appointment
105-2020 Budget Amendment Plow Sander Dump Trucks
106-2020 Confirmatory
107-2020 Agreement with CMA COVID-19 Funding
108-2020 CAO Recruitment CC-1-5 Policy
109-2020 DEFERRED
110-2020 Budget Amendment - fire Training aids
111-2020 Budget Amendment - Ops Sand Storage Repair
112-2020 Budget Amendment - 9th St Emergency Repairs
113-2020 OPG Lease Renewal
114-2020 Budget Amendment - Evergreen Community Club Rink Project
115-2020 Budget Amendment-Handi Transit Bus Garage
117-2020 Tbaytel Lease Agreement - Anicinabe Park
118-2020 Deeming By-law Lots 191 and 192 on Registered Plan of Subdivision M-1
119-2020 Business License bylaw amendment 80-2006
120-2020 Agreement with FCM Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Planb
121-2020 Agreeemnt with Stantec Consulting Professional Engineering Bridges
122-2020 A bylaw to repeal 170-2019
123-2020 Permanently Close Declare Surplus and Sell Parts of Highways Part of Twelfth Street
124-2020 Agreement of Purchase Sale Dean Carrie Caroline Wilson
125-2020 NOHFC Agreement Ec Dev and tourism strategy
126-2020 Confirmatory
128-2020 Traffic Amendment No Parking Zone - Third Street South
129-2020 TBT Engineering Lease Agreement - 1008 Ottawa Street
130-2020 Remove Blue Heron Property from Municipal Register
131-2020 Weed Inspector Appointment - Joe Kurtz
132-2020 NOHFC Agreement NWBC Internship Program
133-2020 Traffic Amendment One-Way Streets - Thistle Drive
133-2020 Traffic Amendment One-Way Streets - Thistle Drive-Attach
134-2020 Agreeement with WSP Canada Group Ltd
135-2020 Procedural
136-2020 Deeming By-law Aranason-Wilson
137-2020 Confirmatory
138-2020 Budget Amendment - Various Amendments Approved by Treasurer
139-2020 Budget Amendment -Art Centre Thermostat Controller
140-2020 Budget Amendment - Keewatin Memorial Arena Compressor
141-2020 Budget Amendment - Whitecap Pavilion Skylight
142-2020 Keewatin Memorial Arena Concession Lease Agreement
143-2020 Kenora Physiotherapy Lease Renewal Agreement
144-2020 Sell Municipal Property - Lana Richards2
145-2020 Agreement of Purchase Sale - Lana Richards
146-2020 Summer Student Bylaw Enforcement Officer Appointment Extensions
147-2020 OBIAA Agreement NWBC Digital Main Street
148-2020 Confirmatory
150-2020 Budget Amendment - Hydraulic Ripper Attachment
151-2020 New horizons Senior Centre Lease Agreement
152-2020 Budget Amendment - Maintenance Manager Module
153-2020 Comprehensive Policy Manual - The Muse
154-2020 Art Centre Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
155-2020 Indigenous Adviosry Committee Terms of Reference - The Muse
156-2020 Museum Advisory Committee Terms of Reference - The Muse
157-2020 Delcare Surplus and Sell lands Howard Property Sale of Land
158-2020 Municipal Accommodation Tax
159-2020 Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
160-2020 Appoint Bylaw Enforcement Officer Timothy Zawacki
161-2020 Appoint CAO Kyle Attanasio
163-2020 Agreement with Kennedy Consulting Limited - Sustainable Action Plan
164-2020 Traffic Amendment - Various
165-2020 Budget Amendment - Operations Centre office retro
166-2020 Confirmatory
167-2020 Budgt Amendment - Strategic Plan
168-2020 Traffic Amendment - Rate of Speed - Veterans Drive
168-2020 Traffic Amendment - Rate of Speed - Veterans Drive-Attach
169-2020 Traffic Amendment - First St S Thistle Dr Stop Sign
170-2020 Budget Amendment - Anicinabe Park Project
171-2020 Sustainabilty Advisory Committee TOR
172-2020 Amending Funding Agreement - Accessible Upgrades Norman Park
173-2020 Sale of Municipal Lands to KDSB - Howard Property
174-2020 NWBC Digital Services Squad - Hannah Edie
175-2020 NWBC Digital Services Squad - Miranda Paterson
176-2020 NWBC Digital Services Squad - Stuart Robertson
177-2020 Off Road Vehicles
178-2020 ICIP Funding Agreement - Handi Transit