-- Previous Directory --
001-2017 Confirm Proceedings
002-2018 Council Remuneration
003-2017_D14-17-06 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Knox
004-2018_D14-17-07_Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Ayrie
005-2018 Ministry of Transportation Dedicated Gas Tax Funding
006-2017 Confirm Proceedings
009-2018 2018 Capital and Unusual Spending Budget
011-2018 MNR Fire Mgmt Agreement
012-2018 911 CERB Agreement
014-2018 SportsPlex Lease Agreement - bylaw
015-2018 amended Agreement Minister of Infrastructure CWWF water sewr projects
016-2018 Fednor DTR III Funding amending Agreement-date
017-2018 Confirm Proceedings
018-2018 Creighton Lease Extension 243 Rabbit Lake Road bylaw
019-2018 Lease Agree Harbourfront-Keewatin docks fisheries oceans
020-2018 Healthy Kids Challenge - Minister of Health Agreement
021-2018 MD Steele Construction Ltd 7th Ave bridge
022-2018 KPFFA Collective Agreement
023-2018 Confirm Proceedings
024-2018 Budget Solid Waste Budget
025-2018 Water and Sewer Budget
027-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - Wayfinding
028-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - City Hall Renovations
029-2018 Video Surveillance Policy CS-1-3
030-2018 Election Signs
031-2018 CUPE Local 191 Collective Agreement
032-2018 Service Line Warranties of Canada Agreement
033-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - bridge maintenance repairs
035-2018 D14-18-01 Davidson ZBA
036-2018 D14-18-02 KC Refridgeration ZBA
037-2018 AMO Agreement Main St Revitalization funding
038-2018 Manshield Construction Agreement Bunny Street Lift Station Rehab
040-2018 Kenora Kinsmen Club Lease Agreement Norman Community Club
041-2018 Lease Extension with Tbaytel Keewatin water tower
042-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - Art Centre Project
043-2018 NOHFC Art Centre funding agreement
044-2018 Agreement with Solid Construction Inc - Arts Centre
045-2018 Confirm Proceedings
047-2018 Exit Interview Policy
049-2018 Learning and Development Policy
050-2018 Municipal Anniversary Retirement Recognition Policy
051-2018 Professional Fees Reimbursment Policy
052-2018 Recruitment Policy
053-2018 Tuition Fees Reimbursment Policy
054-2018 Strategic Asset Management Policy
056-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - Wayfinding part II
058-2018 Capital Budget Amendment - Coney Boardwalk
059-2018 D14-18-04 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Snow
060-2018 D14-18-03 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Kings Landing
062-2018 Moncrief Agreement - Bridge Repairs Norlen, Bay St, Darlington Bay
063-2018 Stantec Agreement - Bridge Repairs Norlen, Bay St, Darlington Bay
064-2018 WSP Canada Inc Agreement - Bridge and Structure Inspections
068-2018 Appoint bylaw enforcement officer Alexis Briggs - summer student
069-2018 Tourism Northern Ontario Gateway Signage
070-2018 Water and Wastewater
071-2018 Budget Amendment -Storm Sewer Harbourfront Shoreline
072-2018 Municipal Operating Budget - 2018
073-2018 Tax Ratios
074-2018 Tax Rates
075-2018 BIZ Levy
076-2018 Confirm Proceedings
077-2018 TBay Tel Agreement
078-2018 Budget Amendment-Community Energy plan
079-2018 Tariff of Fees and Charges
080-2018 Traffic Amendment - Lakeview Dr Speed 50 kms
081-2018 Traffic Amendment - Temporary Disabled Parking-Main St S
082-2018 Parking Lots
084-2018 Kenora Pickleball Club MOU Garrow Park Pickleball Courts
085-2018 Budget Amendment-KRC Leisure Pool
086-2018 Budget Amendment-KRC Twinning
087-2018 Budget Amendment-Splash Pad
088-2018 Budget Amendment-Agur St Housing Development
090-2018 Site Plan Control Policy
091-2018 Appoint Kylie Hissa PAC Secretary Treasurer
092-2018 Stantec Agreement - Prof Engineer 2019 bridges
093-2018 WSP Canada Inc Agreement -Prof Engineering Svcs
094-2018 NOHFC Agreement Harbourfront Bus Develop
095-2018 NWBC Summer Company Program Agreement
097-2018 WSL site plan amendment
098-2018 Confirm Proceedings
099-2018 Budget Amendment-LOW Museum Art Centre
100-2018 Budget Amendment-Library
101-2018 Deputy Clerk Appointment K Galbraith
102-2018 Appoint Deputy Treasurer - J Ranger
103-2018 Budget Amendment-Gen Wtr Standpipe booster stations
104-2018 Budget Amendment - Waste Water Collection Program
105-2018 Traffic Amendment - Andys Camp Rd 30 kms
106-2018 Budget Amendment-Maintenance Standards Sidewalks
107-2018 Budget Amendment-Harbourfront Business Dev Plan
108-2018_D14-17-05_Scott Island Zoning Amendment
109-2018 Removal of Restictive Covenant - Freund
110-2018 Part Lot Control Kings Landing
111-2018 Budget Amendment-Garrow Park Playground cover
112-2018 Docking Bylaw Amendment-Bay Rd launch
113-2018 Moncrief Agreement - Dufresne Island Parking
114-2018 Traffic Amendment - Temporary West Bay Rd Diamonds n Ice
115-2018 Deregistration - Green
116-2018 Confirm Proceedings
117-2018 Traffic Amendment - No Parking West Bay Rd
118-2018 Winter Maintenance Policy
119-2018 Budget Amendment - KRC Twinning Drawings
121-2018 Budget Amendment 2017 reallocations by Treasurer-Deputy Treasurer
122-2018 Agreement HTFC Harbourfront Business Development Plan
123-2018 Confirm Proceedings
124-2018 Budget Amendment - Damages to CPR Fences
125-2018 Budget Amendment - Emergency Repairs Dectron Unit KRC
126-2018 Budget Amendment - CVOR
127-2018 Council Remuneration January
127-2018 Council Remuneration
128-2018 Joint Elections Audit Complaince Committee-TOR
129-2018 Power of Entry
130-2018 Traffic Amendment - No Parking West Bay Rd
131-2018 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - LOW Freight
132-2018 MOU NWBC Nordik Institute
133-2018 NOHFC Agreement NWBC Intern position extension
134-2018 Agreement Ministry Agriculture Food Rural Affairs Choose Kenora project
135-2018 Agreement with Titan Contractors Kenora Ltd - water sewer 2018 works
136-2018 Appointment of Municipal Auditor
137-2018 Kenora Recreation Centre Concession lease agreement-Chad Gropp
138-2018 Agreement with Jennifer Schott Coney Island Park Beach
139-2018 Confirm Proceedings
140-2018_D14-18-06_KDSB zoning bylaw amendment
141-2018 Heritage Act designation amendment Museum Annex
142-2018 Policy Renaming to Align with Departments
143-2018 Budget Amendment comingle trucks repairs
144-2018 Lease Extension Agreement with Plantz
145-2018 Bell Lease Renewal Keewatin Sand Pit-bylaw
146-2018 Confirm Proceedings
147-2018 2019 Capital and Unusual Spending Budget
148-2018 2019 Budget Solid Waste Budget
149-2018 2019 Water and Sewer Budget
152-2018 TBay Tel Agreement use of City infrastructure
153-2018 Anicinabe Park Contract - Middle Lake Enterprises
154-2018 Pines KHS 2019 Agreement
155-2018 Fednor Harbourfront Development Plan Agreement
156-2018 NOHFC Revival Agreement for DTR III