-- Previous Directory --
001-2015 Confirm Proceedings
002-2015 OPP Policing Contract
003-2014 Amend 2014 budget Central Community Club architectural drawings
004-2014 Amend 2014 budget Evergreen Community Club floor
005-2015 Agreement of Purchase Carlson
006-2015 Sell Municipal Property - Edwards
007-2015 Release of Easement CJ Edwards
008-2015 Rogers Communications Lease Water Tower
010-2015 Transfer of Keewatin Federal Wharf
011-2015 Confirm Proceedings
012-2015 Five Year Capital Plan-2015
013-2015 Municipal Operating Budget - 2015
014-2015 Budget Solid Waste Budget
015-2015 Budget Water Sewer Budget
016-2015 Agreement with KGS Group for Cameron Bay Services
017-2015 City of Dryden haulage
018-2015 Anicinabe Park winter activities
019-2015 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Z01 15 Pawlowski
020-2015 Confirm Proceedings
021-2015 Agreement Paul S Heayn Closed Meeting Investigator
022-2015 Amend Budget Transit deferred revenue bus engine replacement
023-2015 Management Services Agreement Datafix voter list
024-2015 FedNor funding Cameron Bay Services
025-2015 NOHFC funding Cameron Bay Services
026-2015 Municipal Alcohol Policy
027-2015 MNDM NCIR Funding - Tunnel Island Strat Plan facilitator
028-2015 Consulting Agreement Black Dog Management - Tunnel Island Partners
029-2015 NOHFC Funding Coney Island Dock Project
031-2015 Budget Amendment - Federal Gas Tax Keewatin Channel Bridge
032-2015 Tariff of Fees Charges
033-2015 Keeping of Animals Amendment - delegation
034-2015 Parks Bylaw
035-2015 coney island maintenance Schott 1 yr extension
036-2015 Lease Agreement Tbaytel cellular tower McKenzie Portage Road
037-2015 MPAC Lease Agreement for Operations Centre office space
038-2015 Accept lands from Cameron 23R-12358
039-2015 Debbies Greenhouse Bedding Plant Contract
040-2015 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - Z02-15 Pedersen
041-2015 Confirm Proceedings
043-2015 New Construction new to Class
044-2015 Tax Ratios
045-2015 Tax Rates
046-2015 Funding Agreement with Employment and Social Development Canada - Norman Park Walkway
047-2015 FedNor funding Coney Island Development
048-2015 Indemnification
050-2015 Canadian Red Cross Disaster agreement-bylaw
052-2015 Realterm Energy Corp Street lighting
053-2015 Lease Renewal - Hing 446562 Ontario
054-2015 Lease Agreement Acadian Broadcasting
055-2015 Purchase and Sale - Petri
056-2015 Purchase and Sale - Schmidt
057-2015 Purchase and Sale - Hosegood
058-2015 Budget Amendment - beaches parks and trails concept plan
059-2015 Science North Northern Nature Trader Agreement
060-2015 Harbourfront Food Vendor Agreement - El Groppo Grande
061-2015 Harbourfront Food Vendor Agreement - Serendipity
062-2015 Harbourfront Food Vendor Agreement - Gropps Country Catering
063-2015 Mink Bay Trail Heritage Designation
064-2015 Confirm Proceedings
065-2015 BIZ Levy
066-2015 Busking
068-2015 NOHFC Funding Events Centre Business Case
069-2015 Quinan Construction Limited Agreement Keewatin Memorial Arena Rehabilitation Works
070-2015 Budget Amendment Retrofit and Refurbish Used Recycle Trailer
071-2015 Budget Amendment Trackless sidewalk broom attachment
072-2015 Harbourfront Food Vendor Agreement - Smiling Hounds Holdings Inc
075-2015 Official Plan
077-2015 Lease Lake Navigation (Kenora) Ltd bylaw
078-2015 Environment Canada Lease Extension
079-2015 Site Plan Amendment Agreement WSL
080-2015 Confirm Proceedings
081-2015 Budget Amendment - OPP billing
082-2015 Abolish Community Policing Committee
083-2015 Budget Amendment - Governance Audit
084-2015 Smoking on Beaches Prohibited
085-2015 Budget Amendment - Events Centre Business Case
087-2015 Kenora Baseball League JM Ball fields
088-2015 SportsPlex Agreement
090-2015 Amend Traffic Knox Church accessible parking stalls
091-2015 Amend Traffic Lakeview Drive parking on greenbelt
092-2015 Amend Traffic Rate of Speed Sunnyside Road
093-2015 Agreement Kenora Consultants Inc Black Sturgeon Water quality bylaw
095-2015 Lakeshore Hotel Lease
096-2015 License of Occupation
098-2015 Planning Advisory Committee and Property Standards Committee TOR
101-2015 Zoning Bylaw
102-2015 Site Plan Agreement with 5901058 Manitoba (Chartrier)
103-2015 KHCC Debt Guarantee
104-2015 Confirm Proceedings
106-2015 IMEX Systems Inc Agreement
107-2015 Amend Traffic - Lakeview Drive Speed
108-2015 Lakeshore Hotel Lease
110-2015 Age Friendly Agreement Minister Citizenship Immigration Intl Trade
111-2015 Healthy Kids Challenge - Minister of Health Agreement
112-2015 Confirm Proceedings
113-2015 Diamond Software Inc Agreement
114-2015 PayByPhone Technologies Inc Agreement
116-2015 Budget Amendment - Museum Annex AC Repair
117-2015 Consulting Agreement Black Dog Management
118-2015 Fire Agreement - Wauzhushk
119-2015 Fire Agreement Dalles FN
120-2015 Red Cross Amending Agreement
121-2015 LAS RealTerm Energy Agreement
122-2015 Budget Amendment - LED streetlight upgrades
123-2015 Site Plan Amendment Agreement WSL
124-2015 Deeming bylaw - Plan M39
125-2015 Budget Amendment - Harbourtown Stairs Water St Second St
126-2015 Kenora Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic Lease Agreement
127-2015 Kenora Public Library Heritage Designation
128-2015 Amend Discharge Firearms Deer Hunt
129-2015 Confirm Proceedings
130-2015 HTFC Planning Design - Age Friendly Plan Agreement
131-2015 Council Annual Remuneration Policy CC-15-1
133-2015 Budget Amendment - Clear Logic Professionals HR Strategy
134-2015 Funding Agreement Seniors Forum
135-2015 Budget Amendment -Pay Equity Plan and Salary Grid Reviews
136-2015 Stantec Consulting Agreement
138-2015 Amending Museum Annex Lease - Lease amount
139-2015 NOHFC Funding Common Ground Research Forum
141-2015 Coney Island Park Contract Extension
142-2015 FoTenn Consultants planning svcs
143-2015 Keewatin Patricia District School Board sidewalk lease
144-2015 Scatliff Miller Murray Agreement
145-2015 Confirm Proceedings
147-2015 Renumbered Council Gifts and Supplies Policy
148-2015 Mayor Role Statement Policy
149-2015 Council Role Statement Policy
150-2015 CAO Role Statement Policy
151-2015 Parking Permit Policy
152-2015 Kenora Rec Centre Lease - Stasiuk Skate Sharpening
154-2015 Budget Amendment - bylaw vehicles insurance deductible
155-2015 Moncrief Agreement - Cameron Bay Water and Sewer Project
156-2015 WSL Site Plan Amendment
157-2015 Budget amendment - Anicinabe Park Stage
158-2015 Green Adventures MOU Anicinabe Park
159-2015 Budget amendment - Planning Services FoTenn Official Plan-Zoning
160-2015 FoTenn Consultants planning svcs
161-2015 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Z03-15 Moncrief
162-2015 Moncrief Site Plan Agreement - condition of ZBA by-law 161-2015
163-2015 Fence
165-2015 Civil Marriage Services Contracts
166-2015 Off Road Vehicle ORV
166-2015 Off Road Vehicle ORV-1
167-2015 Budget Amendment Keewatin Arena repairs
168-2015 Budget Amendment Kenora Rec Centre Dectron Unit
169-2015 Zoning Bylaw Amendment Z04 15 Bryant Rheault
170-2015 Confirm November Proceedings
171-2015 Confirm December Proceedings
174-2015 Dedicated Gas Tax Funds
175-2015 Fednor DTR Phase III time extension agreement
177-2015 Tariff of Fees Charges
178-2015 Budget Amendment - Fire doors at Keewatin arena
180-2015 Traffic and Parking By-law - Schedules
180-2015 Traffic and Parking By-law
181-2015 Emergency Management Appointments