-- Previous Directory --
 001-2005 Confirmatory
 002-2005 Amend Estimates for Reserve Funds
 003-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 004-2005 Legal Indemnification
 005-2005 Amend Comprehensive Zoning 50-91 and 160-2004
 006-2005 Confirmation
 007-2005 Agreement Minister of National Defence
 008-2005 Agreement FEDNOR Youth Internship Initiative
 011-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 012-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 014-2005 Purchase and Sale Imperial Oil
 015-2005 Confirmatory
 016-2005 Amend By-Law 160-2004
 017-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 019-2005 Agreement Twin Eleven Investors Ltd
 020-2005 Confirmatory
 024-2005 Establish a Street Name
 026-2005 Confirmatory
 027-2005 Stop up Close Kyle Street
 029-2005 Stop up Close and Sell Streets B and C
 030-2005 Authorize Exemptions to By-law 40-2001 and 41-2001
 032-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 033-2005 Confirmatory
 034-2005 Deem Lot Not Part of Subdivision
 036-2005 Collective Agreement International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local 559
 037-2005 Agreement Janice Johnson Coney Island Beach and Park
 038-2005 Confirmatory
 040 Approve Municipal Operating Budget and Five Year Capital Plan
 041-2005 Set Tax Ratios
 042-2005 Adopt Estimate For All Sums Required for Year
 043-2005 Approve Water Sewer Utility Budget
 044-2005 Approve Solid Waste Utility Budget
 051-2005 Confirmatory
 052-2005 Deem Lot Not Part of Subdivision
 053-2005 Authorize Sale of Land
 054-2005 Establish Road as Highway
 055-2005 Agreement Extension of Roads Lougheed
 058-2005 Confirmatory
 059-2005 Authorize Construction Financing KMTS
 064-2005 Confirmatory
 065-2005 Indemnity and Release Agreement Imperial Oil
 067-2005 Amend Estimates Solid Waste Capital Budget and Reserves
 068-2005 Amend Estimates Capital and Reserves
 069-2005 Amend Estimates Capital and Reserves
 070-2005 Amend Estimates Capital and Reserves
 071-2005 Amend Estimates and Water Sewer Budget
 072-2005 Appoint John Nabb Plumbing Inspector
 073-2005 Development Agreement Mineault
 075-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 077-2005 Confirmatory
 078-2005 Amend Estimates Capital and Reserves
 079-2005 Authorize Construction Contract Finn-Way General Contractor
 080-2005 Dedicate Harbourfront Name as Winkler Harbourfront Park
 081-2005 Agreement Two Bears Marina
 082-2005 Amend Sched A By-Law 18-2002
 083-2005 Collective Agreement KPFFA
 084-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 085-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 086-2005 Authorize Agreement LOTW Aero Modelers
 087-2005 Confirmatory
 088-2005 Amend Comprehensive By-law 160-2004
 089-2005 Authorize Private Roads Agreement Magnusson
 090-2005 Agreement Ukrainian Women's Association
 091-2005 Assume Stop up Close and Sell
 092-2005 Appoint By-law Enforcement Officers
 093-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 094-2005 Optional Tools for Administering Limits for Property Classes
 095-2005 Optional Tools for Administering Limits for Property Classes
 096-2005 Estimates for Funds Raised HCBIB
 097-2005 Amend Estimates for Reserve Funds
 098-2005 Amend Estimates for Reserve Funds
 099-2005 Amend Estimates for Reserve Funds
 100-2005 Respecting Construction Demolition and change of Use Permits
 101-2005 Confirmatory
 102-2005Establish Clawback Rates
 103-2005 Addendum to Agreement Northern Bulk Hauling Ltd Solid Waste
 104-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 105-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 106-2005 Funding Agreement Infrastructure Projects Municipal Affairs and Housing
 107-2005 Amended Estimates Capital and Reserves
 108-2005 Transfer of Land Hulagrocki
 109-2005 Assume Stop up Close and Sell Road Allowance
 110-2005 Lease Agreement Kenora Kinsmen Club
 111-2005 Lease Agreement KPDSB
 113-2005 Confirmation
 116-2005 Agreement Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corp
 117-2005 Confirmation
 118-2005 Re-confirm Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers
 119-2005 Amend Estimates for Capital and Reserves
 120-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 121-2005 Establish Mineault Drive
 122-2005 Confirmation
 123-2005 Designate Purple Loosestrife as Local Noxious Weed
 124-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 125-2005 Confirmatory
 126-2005 Amend Estimates Capital and Reserves
 127-2005 Agreement LOTW Reginal Community Foundation
 129-2005 Amend Sched A By-law 18-2002
 130-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 131-2005 Confirmation
 132-2005 Agreement 1629700 Ontario Inc Darlington Woods
 133-2005 Terms of Reference COK Heritage Committee
 138-2005 Prosecution Services Rick Strain
 140-2005 Amend By-law 127-2001
 142-2005 Lease Agreement Canadian Tire Corp Ltd and 6292470 Canada Inc
 144-2005 Agreement Moncrief Construction Ltd
 145-2005 Amend Agreement Transmitter Road Crossing MTO
 146-2005 Assume Stop up Close and Sell
 147-2005 Assume Stop up Close and Sell
 148-2005 Appoint Community Emergency Management Coordinator
 149-2005 Confirmatory
 150-2005 Amend Comprehensive By-law 160-2004
 151-2005 Agreement Change of Lease No 20779 by 6292470 Canada Inc
 152-2005 Amend Estimates for Operating Budget and Reserve Funds
 153-2005 Preserving the Waters of Rabit Lake
 154-2005 Agreement Association of Municipalities of Ontario
 155-2005 Amend Estimates for Capital and Reserves
 156-2005 Amend Estimates for Capital and Reserves
 157-2005 Confirmatory
 158-2005 Amend By-law 160-2004
 162-2005 Agreement Pepsi Bottling Group Co
 163-2005 Amend Estimates for Capital and Reserves
 164-2005 Agreement Lori Gray Horticulture
 166-2005 Agreement Lake of the Woods Electric Ltd
 167-2005 Establish Road as Hwy and Discharge Obligations Under Subdivision DEMM Holdings
 168-2005 Establish Road as Hwy and Discharge Obligations Under Subdivision Pre-Kay Ent
 170-2005 Unused
 171-2005 Amend By-law 19-2005