-- Previous Directory --
 HR - Index
 HR- 1-01 Recruitment
 HR- 1-02 Municipal Milestone and Retirement Policy
 HR- 1-03 Hiring and Employment of Family Members
 HR- 1-04 Anti Harassment and Violence
 HR- 1-05 Exit Interview
 HR- 1-06 Succession Planning
 HR- 2-01 Employee Conduct
 HR- 2-02 Employee Assistance Program
 HR- 2-03 Progressive Discipline
 HR- 2-04 Vehicle Operation Policy
 HR- 2-05 Electronic Monitoring
 HR- 2-06 Technology Usage Policy
 HR- 2-07 Learning and Development
 HR- 2-07-01 Professional Affiliation Fees Reimbursement
 HR 2-07-02 Business Travel Seminars Conferences Policy
 HR- 2-07-03 Tuition Fees Reimbursement
 HR- 2-08 Fit for Work
 HR- 2-11- Minimum Standards Policy
 HR- 2-13 Employee Computer Purchase
 HR- 2-14 Leave of Absence - Jury or Witness
 HR- 2-16 Coffee Breaks
 HR- 2-17 Health and Wellness Discount
 HR- 2-21 Emergency Hours of Work
 HR -2-24 Attendance Support Program
 HR- 2-25 Healthy Meeting and Event
 HR- 2-26 Community Code of Conduct
 HR- 3-01 Salary Administration Policy
 HR- 3-02 - Vacation Policy
 HR 3-05 Hours of Work Professional & Managerial Staff
 HR- 3-06 Non Union Benefits
 HR- 3-08 - Employment Classification
 HR- 3-12 - Retirement - OMERS
 HR-2-18 Disconnect From Work Policy
 HR-3-10 Sick Leave Critical Illness Long Term Disability Policy